To develop effective care management
strategies and mitigate risks
Transforming from conventional remote monitoring to accurately predicting patient health status is slowly becoming a reality. Clinicians and payers understand that digital continuous monitoring with predictive analytics can enable mitigation of patient risk much faster than has previously been possible. They are seeing the greatest value and momentum to start their journey, at least in small steps. This technology creates some short-term and long-term opportunities as well as transactional opportunities to make healthcare processes increasingly more efficient.

Being able to collect and process patient’s outcome information in real time is an invaluable resource when assessing the cost-effectiveness. However, it is challenging to try out some new technologies while maintaining current processes and workflows that hamper wider adoption and implementation of digital continuous care. Hence, to accelerate further penetration of digital continuous care into the healthcare system, any new technology should be carefully tuned and integrated into the current clinical workflow without dramatic disruption and added cost.